Philosophical Faculty Day

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The Philosophical Faculty Day (PhFT) is the university political representative of the humanities , cultural and social science subjects. Over 130 faculties and departments at 62 universities work together in it.


The PhFT represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis university management, the state and federal ministries of science, science organizations and the public. It cooperates with scientific professional associations, but is the only institution that brings the entirety of the humanities, cultural and social science subjects into (university) politics. Another essential task is that the members inform each other about university policy developments and discuss their consequences for their own subjects. The PhFT also strives to ensure the comparability of quality standards for degrees and grades.

The PhFT advises its members on

  • Internal university conflicts of interest, in particular in the context of target agreements and appointment procedures
  • Problems with non-university quality assurance ( evaluation , accreditation )


The PhFT was founded in Marburg in 1950. According to the composition of the philosophical faculties at that time, it included humanities, natural and social sciences. In 1958 the PhFT was divided into a philosophical and a mathematical-scientific department, in 1968 both departments were constituted as independent faculty days. The PhFT is the Faculty Day with the largest number of members in the General Faculty Day, the umbrella organization of the German Faculty Day.

The delegates from the member faculties and departments meet twice a year for the plenary assemblies. The day-to-day business is managed by the three-member Executive Board, which is supported by the Extended Board.

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Individual evidence
