Pierwsza Warszawska Fabryka Musztardy "Arthur et Co."

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The Pierwsza Warszawska Fabryka Musztardy "Arthur et Co." (also: Fabryka Musztardy A. Oppmana "Arthur et Co." , Parowa Fabryka Musztardy; Marynat i Konserwów "Arthur et Co." or only: Fabryka Musztardy "Arthur" ) was a Mustard factory in Warsaw 's Wola district . Besides A. Schweitzer's factory, it was the oldest company of its kind in Warsaw.

The German-born, Protestant Artur Emil Oppman (1840–1907) bought a mustard factory in ul. Leszno 4 in 1880 . From then on, the company traded under the name Pierwsza Warszawska Fabryka Musztardy "Artur et Co." (German: First Warsaw mustard factory "Artur et Co." ). The factory was later taken over by one of his sons, Wacław Oppman (1869–1933). The factory remained in family ownership until around 1938. One of the company's products received a Grand Prix at the 1906 hygiene exhibition in Paris. A recipe for “Dutch mustard” ( Musztarda z gorczycy holenderskiej ) published by Oppman called for mustard to be boiled with vinegar, fine sugar, caramel and olive oil.

References and comments

  1. a b Jan Matejak at Wille i Ludzie (3) , in: Szalone Kalarepa (in Polish, accessed on November 9, 2014)
  2. The Oppman family came from Thuringia and immigrated to Poland in 1708. The first name bearer living in Warsaw was Jan Franciszek Adolf Oppman (1805–1876). His son was Artur Emil Oppmann. One of his sons was Artur Oppman (according to Rocznik literacki za rok ... , Instytut Literacki, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, p. 388 , in Polish, accessed on November 9, 2014) - an important writer of his time.
  3. Działalność gospodarcza: Zakłady przemysłowe i firmy kupieckie należące do ewangelików at Luteranie w Warszawie (in Polish, accessed on November 9, 2014)
  4. Maciej Miłosz, Przenieś się w świat dawnych fabryk stolicy of November 27, 2008 on the Życie Warszawy website (in Polish, accessed on November 9, 2014)


  • Zofia Jurkowlaniec and Roland Borchers, Polacy z wyboru: Rodziny pochodzenia niemieckiego w Warszawie w XIX i XX wieku / Poland of free choice: Families of German origin in Warsaw in the 19th and 20th centuries , ISBN 978-83-62020-46-1 , Fundacja Wspołpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej / Dom Spotkań z Historią, Warsaw 2012, p. 175 ff.

Web link

Historic newspaper advertisement for Pierwsza Warszawska Parowa Fabryka Musztardy; Marynat i Konserwów "Arthur et Co." from 1895