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Waters Pacific Ocean
Archipelago Ailinginae
Geographical location 11 ° 7 '  N , 166 ° 26'  E Coordinates: 11 ° 7 '  N , 166 ° 26'  E
Pigessharukku (Marshall Islands)
Residents uninhabited

Pigessharukku (also: Pigessnarukku Island ) is a motu of the Ailinginae -Atolls of the Pacific republic of the Marshall Islands .


Pigessharukku is located in the south of the reef crown of the Ailinginae Atoll. The island is uninhabited and has been contaminated with nuclear power since the Bravo bomb was tested for nuclear weapons . It belongs to a series of about 6 unnamed motu. The next well-known island in the east is Enibuk , in the west is Bokanchinre .

Individual evidence

  1. geonames.org .