Piotr stone cellar

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Piotr Steinkeller is an American Assyriologist .

Steinkeller was a student of Ignace Gelb at the University of Chicago and received his doctorate there in 1977 with a thesis Sale Documents of the Ur III Period . He then initially worked at the Oriental Institute of Chicago . Since 1981 he has been Professor of Assyriology at Harvard University .

His research focus is on the socioeconomics of southern Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC. BC, but he also participates in the archaeological investigations at Tell Arbid in Syria.

Fonts (selection)

  • Sale documents of the Ur-III-period (= Freiburg ancient oriental studies 17). Steiner, Wiesbaden 1989, ISBN 3-515-05327-1 .
  • Third-Millennium Legal and Administrative Texts in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad (= Mesopotamian Civilizations 4). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake IN 1992, ISBN 0-931464-60-9 .

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