Tell Arbid

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Coordinates: 36 ° 52 ′ 20.5 ″  N , 41 ° 1 ′ 17.6 ″  E

Relief Map: Syria
Tell Arbid
Tell Arbid

Tell Arbid ( Arabic تل عربيد, DMG Tall ʿArbīd ) is a settlement mound in the basin of the Chabur in northern Syria , which dates back to a settlement that had its heyday in the 3rd millennium BC. Had. But also in later epochs there were sporadic settlements on the main hill and the four smaller hills surrounding it. The large hill rises up to 30 m, the five hills together cover an area of ​​38 hectares. The main hill mainly contains artifacts from the time of the Mittani , Akkadians and the subsequent empires dominated by Mesopotamia.

The first excavations took place from 1934 to 1936 under the direction of Max Mallowan from the British Museum . The finds went to the British Museum, the Institute of Archeology Collections at University College London , and the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford . Some of the finds went to Syria, which was administered by France at the time as the mandate power of the League of Nations . A survey was carried out in the 1990s by Bertille Lyonnet from the Center National de Recherches Scientifiques in Paris. From 1996, a Polish-Syrian team headed by Piotr Bieliński from the University of Warsaw , or from the Polish Center of Mediterranean Archeology , and by Ahmad Serriyeh from the University of Damascus , excavated there .


  • Maciej Makowski: Zoomorphic Clay Figurines from Tell Arbid. Preliminary Report , in: Polish Archeology in the Mediterranean 24.1 (2015) 627-656.
  • Krystyna Wasylikowa, Rafał Koliński: The Role of Plants in the Economy of Tell Arbid, North-East Syria, in the Post-Akkadian Period and Middle Bronze Age , in: Acta Palaeobotanica 53.2 (2013) 263-293.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid 2008–2009. Preliminary Report on the Results of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Seasons of Polish-Syrian Excavations (= Polish Archeology in the Mediterranean, 21), pp. 511-536.
  • Alicja Moskalewska-Lasota, Anna Gręzak, Teresa Tomek: Animal Remains from the Mitanni Grave at Tell Arbid , in: Damaszener Mitteilungen 15 (2006) 101-104.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: The 2003 campaign of Polish-Syrian excavations preliminary report (= Polish archeology in the Mediterranean, 15), pp. 335–353, 2003.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: The seventh season of excavations: Preliminary report (= Polish archeology in the Mediterranean, 14), 301-314, 2002.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: The sixth campaign of excavations preliminary report (= Polish archeology in the Mediterranean, 13), pp. 279-294, 2001.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: Interim report of the fifth season (= Polish archeology in the Mediterranean, 12), pp. 315–326, 2000.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: Preliminary report 1998 (= Polish archeology in the Mediterranean, 10), pp. 205-216, 1998.

Web links


  1. Rafal Kolinski: Sir Max Mallowan's excavations at Tell Arbid in 1936, Iraq, 2007 , pp. 73-115.
  2. Bertille Lyonnet: La prospection archéologique de la partie occidentale du Haut-Khabur (Syrie du nord-est): Méthodes, résultats et questions autour de l'occupation aux IIIe et Iie millénaires av. N. E. , in: Jean-Marie Durand (ed.): Mari et les hourites. Amurru 1. , Paris, 1998, pp. 363-376.