Plain Old Documentation

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Plain Old Documentation ( POD ) is a simplified markup language that Larry Wall introduced with Perl 5 in 1994 to insert documentation into the source code of Perl programs.

Properties of POD

POD is a simple language in several ways:


POD is the most widely used language for documenting Perl programs and modules, including Perl itself, and is also the standard for documenting modules in the CPAN .

Example document

The following document demonstrates the use of all language elements.


 =head1 TITEL

 podsample - A sample POD document


     print <<"END";
     Dieser eingezogene Block wird nicht nach Formatierungsanweisungen
     durchsucht und Leerzeichen bleiben erhalten.


 Hier steht normaler Text, Es folgen
 B<fett>, I<kursiv>,
 S<langer Text ohne Zeilenumbruch>,
 C<$code> (formatierter Quellcode),
 E<Sonderzeichenname>, F<Dateiname>,
 L<Labeltext|Linkadresse>, X<Indexeintrag>.
 Z<Zeichen ohne Breite>

 =head2 Eine Liste

 =over 4

 =item * mit Blickfangpunkten.

 =item * noch ein Punkt.


 =begin html

 <img src="fig1.png" align="right" alt="Figure 1." />
     Hier ist etwas eingefüger HTML-Code. Dieser Block kann
     Bilder beinhalten, und alles was du sonst noch so mit
     HTML tun kannst. POD parser die kein HTML ausgeben werden
     dies vollständig ignorieren.

 =end html

 =head1 SIEHE AUCH

 L<perlpod>, L<perldoc>, L<Pod::Parser>.


 Copyright 2005 J. Random Hacker <>.

 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
 document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
 License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the
 Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with
 no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.



The following tools process POD:

creates html from POD
generates LaTeX from POD
turns POD into man pages
simple text from POD
prints usage: line from embedded POD
converts POD into various wiki formats, including mediawiki
Syntax checker for POD
prints selected sections from POD to stdout
Other tools like pod
: ProjectDocs can automatically convert the documentation of entire projects to HTML, for example

Similar tools


  • Wall, Larry; Christiansen, Tom; Orwant, Jon (2000). Programming Perl (3rd ed.). Sebastopol: O'Reilly & Associates. ISBN 978-0-596-00027-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pod :: Simple :: Wiki on