
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Plan Bolívar 2000 was the Chavez government's first so-called Bolivarian mission . The project was started on February 27, 1999 by Hugo Chávez . About 40,000 soldiers distributed food and held educational courses.

Various scandals plagued the program. General Cruz Weffer was charged with corruption. The Bolivar 2000 program was run by Army Commander Victor Cruz Weffer and received around $ 300 million in budget. After only one year, the program was terminated due to uncontrollability. Because waste and corruption 150 million total dollars spent. The most common corruption mechanisms in this program included false invoices and contracting with non-existent suppliers. When the Attorney General Eduardo Roche tried to investigate the case, he was replaced by Clodosbaldo Russián .


  1. UNHCR on the situation in Venezuela in 2001 .
  2. Cato on corruption in Venezuela (PDF; 300 kB).