Poker etiquette

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The Poker Etiquette describes the sporting behavior at the poker table . If the etiquette is repeatedly disregarded , a player can be expelled from the table and also from a poker tournament. Compliance with these rules is intended to ensure the dignity of all players and to enable a smooth and fair game of poker. The poker etiquette is to be differentiated from the poker rules and relates exclusively to the behavior of the players among each other.

Behavior towards fellow players

  • All players at the poker table have equal rights.
  • A teammate must never be pressured to act. Statements like "Sit down at last!" or "You'd better get out!" do not belong at the poker table.
  • Until the end of the current game round, the player may not talk about his card or show it.
  • "Show one, show all" - If a teammate, regardless of whether he won or lost the round, decides to show his cards, then he must reveal them to everyone. It is forbidden to let individual players in on their hand of cards.
  • Conversations at the poker table are normal and part of the game. In order not to significantly impair the concentration of the other players, neither speaking nor shouting is allowed. In addition, long monologues or excessive discussions are perceived as annoying.
  • The other players stay among themselves at the poker table. It is generally undesirable for other people to be in close proximity to the game. There is an extra area for friends and family, especially during long tournaments, from where they can follow what is happening at the poker table.
  • Poker players show their respect for one another by greeting and saying goodbye sensibly. Even with an annoying defeat and the associated elimination, the poker player always maintains his fair and sporty appearance.

Behavior towards the dealer

  • The dealer has the highest authority at the poker table. He is the dealer and referee at the same time. All players at the table have to follow his actions and announcements exactly.
  • Questions or tips are always politely and respectfully explained to the dealer.

Announcements at the poker table

  • The announcements of the players at the poker table are binding and must be articulated clearly and precisely.
  • The first announcement counts. If a player has already said "Check", he can no longer raise or fold. In addition, double announcements are prohibited. If a player has raised before, the next player is not allowed to say: "I'll call the amount and raise again by this amount." Either the player calls or he raises.

Game speed

  • Every player is entitled to time to think carefully. However, waiting too long disturbs the flow of the game. Therefore you shouldn't spend more than 1-2 minutes with a decision. In online poker, a timer starts at some point. At the real poker table, the dealer advises a fellow player to make a decision.
  • Each player waits with his announcement until the previous player has made his decision. This also applies to getting out. Throwing the cards away before your turn is seen as disrespectful.


  • The poker chips should be arranged and clearly visible in front of the other player. Upon request, each player must give both the dealer and a fellow player his current chip status.
  • Changing the seat position at the poker table is only permitted with the consent of the dealer or organizer.