Policy advice agency

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The term policy advice agency is understood to mean an agency or an office that provides policy advice . Think tanks and foundations are not called political advisory agencies. The term is rarely used.

In his master's thesis in 2005, Schuster distinguished him from scientific policy advice on the basis of four criteria:

  • Subject of consultation,
  • Theory / practice,
  • Consultation time,
  • Order placement.

The term "agency" has been popular in renaming public institutions since around 2005: under the influence of English ( agency "authority") it is used to replace terms such as "office", "establishment" or "authority". Examples:

The term "political advice agency " is therefore misleading - especially in the context of politics and authorities.

See also

Policy advice , campaign


  • Althaus, Marco, Rawe, Sven u. a. (Ed.): Public Affairs Handbook
  • Althaus, Marco; Meier, Dominik, Political Advice: Practice and Limits , from LIT-Verlag, November 2004
  • Busch-Janser, Florian: State and lobbyism - an investigation of the legitimation and the instruments of entrepreneurial influence ISBN 3-938456-00-0
  • Kretschmer, Heiko; Schuster, Christian H. (2005): Ministry is only looking for which agency? In: politics & communication. July / August 2005. 69-69
  • Busch-Janser, Florian; Gerding, Sandra and Mario Voigt (eds.): Political consulting as a profession ISBN 3-938456-01-9
  • Milinewitsch, Mirco: Professionalization of the mediation of interests through external public affairs management ISBN 3-938456-50-7
  • Schuster, Christian H .: Political Consulting Agencies in Germany , Berlin 2005, ISBN 3938456523