Position (magazine)

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description magazine
language German
publishing company Position eV association ( Germany )
First edition 1994
Frequency of publication bi-monthly
Sold edition 1500 copies
Editor-in-chief SDAJ "newspaper collective"
editor Position eV association
Web link www.sdaj.org/material/position

The position is the bimonthly magazine of the Socialist German Workers' Youth (SDAJ). It functions as the organization's theory and discussion body, but also contains action reports from SDAJ groups as well as book and CD reviews . The contributions are mostly written by SDAJ members, but external authors also have their say. The unit price of the Politmagazin, which appears exclusively in Germany , is currently 1.70 €.


The magazine is de facto the successor to the magazine elan , which was the organ of the association from the founding of the SDAJ until the fall of the Berlin Wall .

On the website of the position is the Lenin quote:

Without a political organ [...] our task - to concentrate all elements of political dissatisfaction and protest and with them to fertilize the revolutionary movement of the proletariat - is absolutely impracticable.


Stylistically, the position is often polemical , but it also contains Marxist analyzes and reports. In terms of graphics and text, the magazine is clearly aimed at young people.

Web links


  1. http://position.blogsport.de/category/o-ton/