Elan (magazine)

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Elan ( spelling elan ) was a monthly magazine for young people that appeared from 1959 to 1989. The publication was stopped at the end of 1989 after funding by the SED was cut off.


The magazine was founded in 1959 after the World Festival of Youth and Students in Vienna under the initial name "Impulse". In 1965 Elan became a “magazine for young people” (subtitle) and with the founding of the Socialist German Workers' Youth (SDAJ) as their association organ, it became a political youth magazine. At times Elan cooperated with the student magazine Rote Blätter, which was also financed by the GDR .


Editorial team

Horst Stuckmann (1935–2008), who also published in Elan himself, was a member of the editorial team .


Editors-in-chief were u. a.



The authors included:


Elan was awarded the 1st Prize of the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) in 1968 and in 1973 with the diploma of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WBDJ) .


  • Beate Landefeld , Franz Sommerfeld , Bernd Gäbler : Dead ends and wrong turns. Weltkreis-Verlag, Dortmund 1979.
  • Peter Darmstadt and Thorsten Haupts: The Student Left at West German Universities 1982–1992, St. Augustin 1992.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roland Kirbach: DKP: Left by the comrades. The SED stops financial aid for West German offshoots in Die Zeit , December 22, 1989
  2. DKP mourns Rolf Priemer's press release30. January 2017