Red leaves

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The Rote Blätter (spelling: Rote Blätter) was a monthly student magazine published by the Marxist student union Spartakus . It was published by Weltkreis-Verlag from 1971 until the financing by the SED was canceled at the end of 1989.


The editorial line was the program, politics and theory of the Marxist Student Union Spartakus . He was one of the proponents of the theory of state monopoly capitalism . But there was also a dispute with radical left-wing Maoist groups such as the Kommunistischer Bund Westdeutschland (KBW) and KPD / ML . Since the 1970s, the social situation of the student body, the advocacy of the political mandate of the student self-government bodies and a policy of trade union orientation ("GO policy") of the student movement have been in the foreground of the reporting.

At times the Rote Blätter cooperated with the youth magazine Elan of the Socialist German Workers' Youth (SDAJ).


The editors-in-chief were Manfred Confurius , Alexander Goeb , Franz Hutzfeld and Sommerfeld , Roland Lang , Reiner Oltmanns , Hartmut Schulze and Jerry Sommer .


  • Beate Landefeld, Franz Sommerfeld, Bernd Gäbler : Dead ends and wrong turns . Weltkreis-Verlag, Dortmund 1979.
  • Peter Darmstadt and Thorsten Haupts: The Student Left at West German Universities 1982–1992. St. Augustine 1992.

Individual evidence

  1. Roland Kirbach: DKP: Left by the comrades. The SED stops financial aid for West German offshoots in Die Zeit , December 22, 1989