Prater number

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The Prater number β Pr is a dimensionless number of chemical reaction engineering . It describes internal heat transport processes in heterogeneous catalysis and describes the ratio of heat produced by a reaction to heat dissipation in the pellet. It is defined as:


  • λ e = effective thermal conductivity
  • D e = effective diffusion coefficient
  • -ΔH R = enthalpy of reaction
  • c s = concentration on the outer catalyst surface
  • T s = temperature on the outer catalyst surface

If the Prater number β is 1 (for exothermic reactions) or −1 (for endothermic reactions), the catalyst works isothermally. With a Prater number greater than zero, the catalyst efficiency η can be greater than one as a result of the temperature increase inside the pellet. In this case, the reaction rate inside the catalyst is higher than at the catalyst surface.
