Pratt test

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The Pratt test is used to identify those connecting veins ( perforated veins ) between the superficial and deep venous systems that have insufficient venous valves in the case of varicose veins .

First, the leg is held up while lying down to allow the venous blood to drain; then the leg is bandaged from the foot to the groin region . While standing, the bandage is removed again starting from above, while at the same time, starting from the groin, a second bandage is put on so that a hand's width of the leg remains free of bandages. If the veins between the bandages fill up, this indicates an insufficiency of the perforating veins at this point.

Just like the Trendelenburg test , Perthes test , Schwarzt test and Mahorner-Ochsner test , the Pratt test was used until the 1970s , but has since been largely replaced by apparatus diagnostics (today mainly Doppler sonography and digital photoplethysmography ).


  1. Zbigniew Tadeusz Miszczak, 2006: Varicose vein surgery in older people with special attention to quality of life before and six months after the operation.