Pravo Horo

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The Pravo Horo (transcription according to Duden Prawo Choro ), Bulgarian Право хоро , is a Bulgarian folk dance in 2/4 time.


The name, made up of pravo (“even”) and horo (“circle dance”), refers to the even-numbered rhythm (2/4), in contrast to the numerous odd bars such as 5/8, 7/8, 9/16, 11 / 16 etc.

Origin and Distribution

Pravo Horo is the most famous Bulgarian folk dance - originally from the Bulgarian region of Thrace , it is known all over Bulgaria today and is danced on all kinds of occasions, be it at family celebrations, official occasions or just where people are together and musicians are among them.

Formal characteristic

Its basic form is correspondingly simple: two short steps are followed by two long steps in a rhythmic ratio of 1-1-2-2 (short-short-long-long, the so-called " trakijka " after the region of origin Thrace ), i.e. H. in a total of three units of equal length (3 × 2). The music often corresponds to this scheme of three, in that the melody is made up of units of three bars each. Mostly, however, it is divided into 4 or 8 bar units and thus follows the most common structural scheme. The overlapping of the 3-digit structure of the dance steps with the 4-digit structure of the melody results in a constant shift of the danced accent compared to the music. An additional tension energy arises from the fine structure of dance music: Pravo horos are usually played in triplets, which are accompanied in rhythm 2-1 (long-short, long-short, long-short ...). Due to the tension between odd and even elements on the different levels of the micro- and macro-structures, the dance receives a very characteristic dynamic that clearly stands out from the dances, whose 2/4 time is resolved into simple eighth notes, e.g. B. Vlaško , Danec , Râka u. v. a.

The basic form is usually danced in an open mixed circle with the frame on the hands (elbows bent, so-called "W version"), the 1st and 3rd step with the right foot sideways to the right and the 2nd with the left foot is placed in front of the right foot and the fourth behind the right foot. This is basically the “ Faroese Ballad Step ”, which is widespread in many variations all over Europe and the Middle East, from the Faroe Islands to India - but danced to the right. Variations of the Pravo Horo consist in that all steps forwards or all backwards or alternately forwards and backwards are always danced on the circular path to the right, or four steps to the middle and four steps backwards to the outside. There are also many other variations, including: a. in such a way that three quick steps are carried out on each of the two long times.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Milde, Stanev: The Bulgarian dance folklore. 2004, p. 163; Бълков: Сборник български фолклорни хора. 1980, p. 33.


  • Herwig Milde, Belčo Stanev: The Bulgarian dance folklore. Balsies, Kiel 2004, ISBN 3-925594-58-2 .
  • Красимир Петров: Български народни танци от Тракия. Просвета, София 1995, ISBN 954-01-0465-3 .
  • Борис Бълков: Сборник български фолклорни хора. sn, София 1980.