Prix ​​Volney

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The Prix ​​Volney (“Volney Prize”) is awarded - at the suggestion of the French Académie des Sciences - in recognition of outstanding academic work in the field of classical philology . The prize founded by Constantin Volney in 1803 was originally a gold medal worth 1,200 Francs. The prize was financed by a legacy from Volney, who left the two French academies ( des sciences and des inscriptions ) a sum of 24,000 francs to promote science.

Award winners

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prix ​​Volney , accessed October 17, 2017.
  2. Michel Bréal: Inauguration de la statue de Volney à Craon (Mayenne), discours suivi d'une notice sur le prix Volney. Retrieved October 17, 2017.