Try living

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The first days of moving into an inpatient facility are referred to as trial living . There is trial living in both the disabled and nursing homes .

The test living should serve to determine in actual operation whether the selected facility is suitable for the resident and whether it corresponds to his wishes and ideas. A trial living is also in patients of Maßregelvollzugs performed in which the dismissal of the reference of a home or a group home is conditional and should therefore be checked in advance whether living in the home or in the residential group is at all viable enough to dismissal from the To justify the enforcement of measures.

Section 11 (2) WBVG provides - analogous to the probationary period in labor law - that a residentcan terminatea home contract within the first two weeks without notice. The period begins with the beginning of the contractual relationship, but not before the written contract documents have been handed over to the resident.

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Vollbach: The mentally ill offender in his social relations . Lit Verlag, Münster 2006, ISBN 3825895440 , p. 238