Problem decision plan

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A problem decision plan represents a consideration with regard to existing or planned processes and is used in particular for quality assurance.

A problem decision plan is one of the seven management tools . This represents a schedule and is used to optimize processes.

A given process is broken down into its sub-steps. Using suitable techniques (e.g. brainstorming), all possible problems that may arise in this sub-step are listed. For these problems, in turn, solutions are sought again using suitable technology and listed.

A problem-decision plan tries to assign all possible discrepancies during a process to the corresponding sub-steps and to find solutions for deviations from the target in advance. These are then assessed, although the problem decision plan does not yet constitute an assessment.

Process with partial steps

This method is intended to ensure that, as far as possible, all occurring problems can be processed according to a scheme and thus eliminated. The result of the problem decision plan can then be incorporated into the process.


Plan without evaluating the solutions

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