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A probúleuma ( Greek  προβούλευμα ) was a preliminary decision of the council ( bule ) of a Greek polis , in particular the council of the 500 of Athens . All motions for resolutions that were to be submitted to the people's assembly ( Ekklesia ) and confirmed there with a psephism required such a preliminary resolution in order to be admitted to the people's assembly at all. The People's Assembly was able to change the preliminary resolutions through additional initiatives. In addition to the Probuleuma, which already contained a decisive motion for a resolution, the proposals of the Council of the Ekklesia could also put a matter up for discussion without a proposal for a resolution.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl-Wilhelm Welwei : The Greek Polis. Constitutions and society in archaic and classical times. 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-515-07174-1 , p. 186.