Program segment prefix
As a program segment ( English program segment prefix , PSP) refers to the first 256 bytes of a of MS-DOS program loaded. The PSP is not included in the executable Exe or COM files , but is created by the operating system when the program is loaded . The first half of the PSP contains various information for the operating system, in particular for handling several (one after the other) executed programs. The second half contains the command line ( command tail , without the actual name of the program).
Offset (hexadecimal) | |
00 - 01 | Interrupt -20h – Command to end the program after jumping to address 0000h |
02 - 03 | Segment address of the first memory that is no longer occupied by the program |
05 - 09 | Code to execute interrupt 21h with a NEAR CALL to address 0005h |
0A - 0D | Copy of interrupt vector 22h, return address after ending the program |
0E - 11 | Copy of the interrupt vector 23h, interrupt for Ctrl-C |
12-15 | Copy of the interrupt vector 24h, interrupt for fatal errors |
16-17 | Parent PSP segment: the program that executed this program |
18-2B | Standard Job File Table (JFT), each contains a file table number (System File Table, SFT) for up to 20 file handles |
2C - 2D | Environment variable block segment for this program |
2E - 31 | Address of the stack when interrupt 21h was last executed |
32 - 33 | Number of all file handles in the JFT, 20 by default |
34 - 37 | Address of the current JFT, standard offset 0018h in this PSP |
50-52 | Code to execute interrupt 21h with a FAR CALL to address 0050h |
5C-6B | File Control Block (FCB) of the first parameter on the command line |
6C-7B | FCB of the second parameter |
80 | Length of the command line |
81 - FF | Command line with all parameters, but without the command name itself |
80 - AB | Overwritten by the standard Disk Transfer Area (DTA) during file searches |
Other areas of the PSP are used by operating system extensions or some TSR programs .
Sample program
This program shows the command line from its PSP: ( COM file , written in assembly language )
org 100h ; Interrupt 21h, Funktion 09h benötigt ein Dollarzeichen als Endmarkierung mov bl, byte [0080h] xor bh, bh mov byte [0081h+bx], '$' ; Ausgabe der Kommandozeile (bis zum ersten Dollarzeichen) mit Funktion 09h mov ah, 09h mov dx, 0081h int 21h ; Beenden des Programmes mit Funktion 4Ch, Rückgabewert 00h mov ax, 4C00h int 21h