Progress Quest

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Progress Quest (PQ) is a computer program that parodies many elements of computer role-playing games (RPGs) , especially Diablo and MMORPGs like EverQuest .


When you start a new game, regardless of whether it is single-player or multiplayer , the "player" is asked to create a character. To do this, he picks a race and a profession and chooses a name. This is where the parody begins , because the majority of the races and professions are based on classics of the fantasy genre, but make fun of them (e.g. Half Halfling, Dung Elf, Shiv-Knight), while others are in classic fantasy games Not to be found at all, just generally amusing (Enchanted Motocycle, Double Wookie, Bastard Lunatic). You also try to get the highest possible starting values. A special feature of PQ is that you can not only re-roll the dice, but also “go back”, ie. H. call up old die results again, they should be better.

The program was published by Eric Fredricksen in 2002. Fans of the game quickly got involved in the parody by writing numerous reviews on various game and freeware websites and giving Progress Quest the highest possible rating.

Single player

The game itself offers everything that classic RPGs also offer, only the "annoying" micromanagement has been removed, i. H. the character walks around and kills monsters (e.g. Hair and Porn Elementals or Chromatic Dragons) and receives items (e.g. Chromatic Dragon Mineral-Water) and experience points in return. When his inventory is full, he goes back to town and sells everything to buy new equipment. When he has accumulated enough experience points, he goes up a level.

However, the entire process runs fully automatically; no interaction on the part of the player is necessary or possible. With the help of several status displays and progress bars, the player can monitor the progress of his character at any time.


The multiplayer mode is generally like the single player mode, but it offers the possibility to play "against" other PQ players. In contrast to the single player, you first have to decide which of the five servers you want to play on:

  • Knoram (currently closed)
  • Expodrine (currently closed)
  • Oobag (currently closed)
  • Spoltog
  • Pemptus

With the exception of Spoltog, no registration is required, you can just start playing. After that everything runs like in the single player, only that with each level increase the character data is sent to the server, which then evaluates it for the ranking . You can also use the key combination "Ctrl + M" to specify mottos for your character.

Another feature that is currently only offered on Oobag, Spoltog and Pemptus are guilds. An account is required to form a guild. As soon as this has been created, you then have to click on “Create a new guild” on the “Account Page”, enter a name, choose the orientation (good, neutral, bad) and come up with a motto. You can have a maximum of four guilds per account; in addition, it is not possible to be the boss of a good and a bad guild at the same time. In the game you have to press "Ctrl + G" and then enter the name of the guild to join it.

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