Project landscape

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In a project landscape , the most important relationships between a project and its most important environments are graphically displayed.

Important relationships arise not only between employees in the project , but also with other areas and projects in the company. For example, it could happen that there is already a similar project for the implementation of this project, in which the entire planning has already been completed, or that another project is drawing resources and budgets from other areas / departments due to certain priorities and thus endangers the project. The project landscape is used to make the relationships to and within the project visible and to manage them. So are z. B. To receive information on the composition of the project team, where there is expert knowledge, experience and decision-making authority and informal influence, as well as information on team organization. Thus the project landscape becomes the basis of an information and communication concept. Project landscape.png

The distances in the project landscape are deliberately chosen and show the intensity of the respective influence.