Process companion

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Process facilitator has two meanings:

Process support in organizations

The consulting approach process accompaniment in organizations supports managers and employees in change projects. Process facilitators need insights into the respective work contexts, know design components within process design, master intervention techniques from various consulting schools and focus on self-empowerment and the development of potential.

A distinction can be made between an external and an internal process facilitator, with an external process facilitator being a consultant outside the company, while the internal process facilitator is an employee of the company who takes on this role.

Process facilitators do not have a supervisor function, but should be "neutral" companions of the group development process.

In companies, process facilitators are not responsible for technical questions and problems, but are experts for social processes and group work methods . One of your most important tasks in supporting individual employees on the way to finding groups is the function of the feedback provider . They hold up the mirror to the employees in the group in order to strengthen group service behavior and to reveal and reduce obstructive behavior.

Psychosocial process support

Psychosocial litigation support is a special form of support before, during and after court hearings. It includes qualified care, information transfer and support for victims in criminal proceedings in order to reduce the burden on victims. Litigation support is not legal advice or representation by a lawyer, but rather, as non-legal support, an additional offer for particularly vulnerable victims. Psychosocial process facilitators have the right to be present when the victim is questioned.

The essential legal bases for psychosocial process support are regulated in Section 406g of the Code of Criminal Procedure and in the Act on Psychosocial Process Support in Criminal Proceedings (PsychPbG).

For Austria see the main article: Psychosocial process support .


  • Caroline Eckmann / Lieselotte Rowley (eds.) (2015): Inclusion on the way. The training manual for process support. With the collaboration of Barbara Brokamp. Monday Youth and Society Foundation; German Association for Public and Private Welfare. 1st edition Freiburg im Breisgau: Lambertus Verlag (reprints and special publications / German Association for Public and Private Welfare, 53).