Psi phenomenon

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The term psi phenomenon is a term from parapsychology . It denotes various hypothetical psychological abilities.

Etymology and first use

The term is derived from the 23rd letter ψ ( psi ) of the Greek alphabet . Psi is the first letter of the word ψυχή psyche 'spirit, thought, soul'. The term was coined by the Austrian biologist Bertold P. Wiesner and first used in 1942 in a publication by the British Robert Thouless .


The term includes extrasensory perception , the ability to perceive impressions beyond scientifically verifiable experiences, such as clairvoyance , precognition (the ability to see into the future) and telepathy (the ability to communicate with other living beings without scientifically verifiable possibilities communicate). Also telekinesis , the ability to move things through voluntary effort, is one of the psi phenomena. The so-called " sixth sense " is also known as the psi phenomenon. With it it should supposedly be possible to see into the future and to willingly influence events.


In science fiction films and in science fiction literature, the psi phenomenon is a topic that is often used.

The James Randi Educational Foundation takes a critical look at psi phenomena, among other things. Until 2015, she had offered $ 1 million in prize money to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal abilities under scientific conditions.

Individual evidence

  1. Psi, das. In: Retrieved August 18, 2018 .
  2. ^ Robert H. Thouless: Experiments on paranormal guessing , in: British Journal of Psychology , Volume 33, 1942, pp. 15-27.
  3. Chip Denman, Rick Adams: JREF Status. In: 2015, accessed February 1, 2020 .