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The term psychozoic was defined as the geological age in its English form (psychozoic) by Joseph LeConte . He describes the short, most recent interval within the Quaternary , which is characterized by “ennobled by the appearance of man as the dominant agent of change”. He does not define the age with the appearance of the human species, but with the ability of humans to have a profound effect on the flora and fauna of the earth. In the geoscientific context, it is comparable to the term Anthropocene, which is more common today .

The term is also used within the synthetic theory of evolution and describes the period of earth's history that began in prehistoric times with the “dawning of human consciousness ” and is dominant for the current situation on earth.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joseph LeConte: On critical periods in the history of the earth and their relation to evolution; and on the Quaternary as such a period . At J Sci. Series 3 Vols., 1877, 14: 99-114; doi : 10.2475 / ajs.s3-14.80.99 .
  2. ^ E. Oeser: Psychozoikum: Evolution and Mechanism of the Human Knowledge . Parey, Berlin, 1987