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Pulla is a Finnish yeast biscuit that is usually eaten with coffee or tea in Finland . It is very similar to the Swedish Kanelbulle . Pulla is often given the typical brown crust with ice cream sprinkles, which is sprinkled with sugar or almonds.


Many different pulla shapes are baked from the pullover dough, with different fillings or for different occasions. Some typical types of pulla:

  • Pikkupulla , little pulla, are the simplest type of pulla. They are baked in small round balls and often sprinkled with sugar sugar.
  • Laskiaispulla are traditionally baked on the occasion of the Laskiainen festival . These are pulla shaped into balls and baked, which are cut open and filled with marzipan and / or jam and cream.
  • Voisilmäpulla , butter eye pulla . A small indentation is drilled into the unbaked pikkupulla and filled with butter and vanilla sugar. It looks like the Pulla has one eye, hence the name.
  • Korvapuusti means slap in the face . The pulla dough is rolled out and filled with cinnamon, sugar and butter, then rolled up and the rolling pin cut into snails. The surface is brushed with egg yolk and sprinkled with granulated sugar.
  • Omenapusu , means apple kiss. From the sweater dough, circles as thick as a finger are rolled out, coated with apple sauce, folded in half and the edges pressed into place. After rising and baking, the pulla resemble a kissable mouth, hence the name.
  • Piirakka are also made from pullo dough. Piirakka are palm-sized cakes that are filled with blueberries, for example.
  • Bostonkakku Boston cake, is made from cinnamon buns that are placed upright in a round shape, only then is the cake baked.