Quartier Militaire

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Quartier Militaire
Quartier Militaire (Mauritius)
Quartier Militaire
Quartier Militaire
Coordinates 20 ° 15 ′  S , 57 ° 36 ′  E Coordinates: 20 ° 15 ′  S , 57 ° 36 ′  E
Basic data
Country Mauritius
Residents 32,650 (2011)

Quartier Militaire is a municipality in the center of Mauritius and the capital of the Moka district . As of 2011, the community has around 32,650 inhabitants.


Quartier Militaire is known in Mauritius for its cold temperatures. The coldest temperature ever measured was only 5 degrees Celsius. To the east of the municipality are the districts of Camp De Masques and Medine, which have a much milder climate. To the west is the development area of ​​Saint Pierre.

Ittefaq ul Muslemine Musjid

Other districts are Curepipe, Hermitage, Belle Rive, Alma, Saint Pierre, Verdun, Highlands, Mont Ida and Melrose.


The Quarter Militaire Stadium is an attraction for the city's residents. Providence is the headquarters for religious activities. There is a large Hindu temple there and an Islamic cultural center is also being built there, which will be the only one in the Moka district. Many old temples are still there. The Royal Plaza represents the center of the place. The Ittefaq-ul-Muslemine Musjid Mosque, the police headquarters, the bus station and a church are located in the very busy area.

There are also hospitals, sports fields and shopping centers in the village. Also nearby is Valletta Lake, which is popular with both tourists and locals.

Web links

Commons : Quartier Militaire  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Welcome to the Website of The District Council of Moka. Retrieved August 16, 2017 .