Réseau Dirisoft

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The French research association Réseau Dirisoft is investigating the possible uses of airships in the field of heavy goods transport and thus their use as a transport airship . It was founded on March 23, 2007 at the École normal supérieure de Cachan in Paris, with the support of the Research and Innovation Directorate MEEDAT (the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning). The studies carried out and the development of the Réseau Dirisoft network are based on market research results and will be further developed accordingly. The network is a partner of the companies PEGASE, ASTECH and Swstem @ tic.

The zeppelin - the means of transport of the future?

Options for action

  • Organization of conferences, workshops, seminars, training courses, working groups for scientific and socio-cultural thinking, as well as sporting events and airship competitions.
  • Management of research contracts, including funding and recruitment of doctoral and post-graduate students
  • Marketing of the airship “Vector” in public, with political decision-makers and socio-economic media
  • Management of research centers, integration and flight testing of the experimental airships
  • Publication of books and magazines on the subject of "airships" and hosting of scientific publications and websites
  • Implementation and testing of research prototypes
  • Acquisition, maintenance, replacement and provision of test equipment and experiments that can be used by the members of the association.
  • The organization can enter into agreements with governments, semi-public and private partners.

The network


France has a glamorous past in terms of “airships”, but not (or rather no longer) the culture that goes with it. The airship is seen as a complementary approach to other technological possibilities. All the resources and efforts that have been put into developing new generations of airships have only produced mediocre results. Several countries are currently involved in airship research, including France, Germany, Great Britain, the US, Russia and China.

Fields of activity

  • Bringing together French research institutes participating in research projects on the new generation of airships.
  • The definition of a coordinated policy of scientific research on airships.
  • The availability of scientific communities with academic clusters, institutions and research institutions, governments, partners and other foreign networks.
  • The administration and promotion of the integration and research center.
  • The initiation of a curriculum for training in a new industrial and economic sector.
  • Participation in the promotion of the vector "airship".

research results

MC 4

The MC4 is an idea born in 2009 at the “Exposition du bourget” in Paris. It is a motorized balloon 4 m long and 4 m³ in volume, equipped with a camera, which floated around the exhibition lounge. The motor is mounted on a plate behind the balloon. Direction control is ensured by alignment with the two axes of the motor. Thanks to its powerful motor and batteries, this balloon can even fly outside and transmit its videos directly.

MC 25

The MC 25 is the result of the collaboration between LCPC Heudiazic IBISC and Hervé Kuhlmann. This model was used to create a work of art for urban and suburban areas. Due to the ultra-fast orientation of its motorization and the 9 to 16 sensors, each equipped with 15 megapixels, it is able to detect cracks down to a tenth of a millimeter. This project received a grant from the DRI, an application for ANR is being submitted.

MC 500

MC 500 in the air over the rooftops of Paris (artist's impression)

The MC 500 is a reduced version of the “Ballon Paris région” model. It is intended for use by network researchers only.

Paris Region balloon

Model of the Paris Region balloon

The Paris Region balloon is designed for noise-free and emission-free control of Parisian airspace. It replaces the helicopter on short distances and can carry sensors weighing up to 300 kg for monitoring purposes. Possible tasks are the observation of the thermal insulation quality of buildings, traffic monitoring, control of environmental pollution, detection of air pollutants and the creation of aerial photographs.

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