Reloaded (Warez Group)

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Reloaded ( proper spelling RELOADED , abbreviated RLD ) is a scene and cracker group. The group was founded in June 2004 by former DEViANCE members. Since then, the group has made over 1,000 publications in total. Reloaded has been one of the most important cracker groups worldwide since it was founded. You are mainly active in the field of copyright infringement in computer games . Among other things, Reloaded has overcome the copy protection of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on the day it went on sale . Modern Warfare 3 currently holds the record for the largest entertainment release in terms of sales.

The group received public attention when the French computer game publisher Ubisoft used one of the group's cracks for a patch of their game Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ars technica: Ubisoft DRM snafu reminds us what's wrong with PC gaming