Radoje Domanović

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Radoje Domanović

Radoje Domanović (* 4th February July / 16 February  1873 greg. In Ovsište ; † 4 August July / 17 August  1908 greg. In Belgrade ) is the founder of modern Serbian satire . He worked as a high school professor in various cities in Serbia and was dismissed several times from civil service because of his satires directed against the ruling house of Obrenović. Domanović also wrote serious narratives, but then devoted himself entirely to satire, with which he castigated the corruption and blind subservience of his compatriots.


  • Danga (The Brand), 1899
  • Vođa (The Leader), 1901
  • Kraljević Marko po drugi put među Srbima ( Marko Kraljević for the second time among the Serbs), 1901
  • Mrtvo more (The Dead Sea), 1902
  • Razmišljanje jednog običnog srpskog vola (Thoughts of a Simple Serbian Ox), 1902
  • Stradija (Stradien), 1902


  • Celokupna dela , 2 volumes, Belgrade around 1925 and 1928
  • Izabrane pripovijetke , Zagreb 1946
  • Satire , Belgrade 1953
  • Sabrana dela , 3 volumes, Belgrade 1964 (in Cyrillic script)
  • Satire i pripovetke , 2000, ISBN 86-17-05129-9

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Domanović, Radoje. In: Little Slavic Biography. Otto Harrassowitz , Wiesbaden 1958.
  2. Dor, Milo (red.), An Order for Argil: Yugoslavia in Tales of Its Best Contemporary Authors , Horst Erdmann Verlag, 1965.

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