Reasons for Living Inventory

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The "Reasons for Living Inventory" (RFL) is a 1983 by Linehan et al. developed psychological test and measures the likelihood of suicide based on the theory that some factors can lessen suicidal ideation. The questionnaire therefore contains 48 items that indicate various reasons that speak against suicide. These individual reasons must each be rated on a Likert scale from 1 to 6.

The measurement is divided into six subscales:

  • Survival and coping arrangements
  • Family responsibility
  • Children's affairs
  • Fear of suicide
  • Fear of social disapproval
  • Moral objections

The values ​​achieved are shown as the average for the entire test and the individual subscales. The questionnaire is reliable and valid, but is used far more in research than in everyday clinical practice. Other variations of the questionnaire include the College Students Reasons for Living Inventory , and the Brief Reasons for Living Inventory . The College Students Reasons for Living Inventory replaces responsibility for the family subscale with a responsibility for family and friends subscale, and the child subscale is replaced with a college and future subscale. The "Brief Reasons for Living Inventory" only use 12 of the items from the "Reasons for Living Inventory". The RFL has been translated and adapted into different languages, such as Italian, Swedish, Spanish.

Web links

  • The Brief Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents (BRFL-A) ( [1] )

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Forkmann, Tobias Teismann, Heide Glaesmer: Diagnostics of Suicidality . Hogrefe Verlag, 2015, ISBN 978-3-8444-2639-7 ( [accessed June 27, 2017]).
  2. ^ Validation of the Italian version of the reasons for living inventory . ( [PDF]).
  3. ^ Eugen Dobrov, Lars H. Thorell: "Reasons For Living" - translation, psychometric evaluation and relationships to suicidal behavior in a Swedish random sample . In: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry . tape 58 , no. 4 , 2004, ISSN  0803-9488 , p. 277-285 , doi : 10.1080 / 08039480410005783 , PMID 15370776 .
  4. ^ Maria A. Oquendo, Enrique Baca-Gar Cia, Ruth Graver, Miguel Mora, Viviana Montalvan: Spanish Adaptation of the Reasons for Living Inventory . In: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences . tape 22 , no. 3 , August 1, 2000, ISSN  0739-9863 , p. 369-381 , doi : 10.1177 / 0739986300223006 .