Reconsideration request

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A Reconsideration Request (reconsideration: review and request: request) is made as a result of a website or domain being penalized by the Google search engine . The request can restore the original ranking in the search results under certain conditions.

If a webmaster violates the Google webmaster guidelines, the corresponding website or domain can be subject to a so-called "manual measure" (penalty). The consequence of this is that this appears further back in the order of the search results or is completely removed. As a rule, the webmaster is informed about this if he uses the Google Search Console . A Reconsideration Request is required to lift the penalty. Before submitting the application, the webmaster must ensure that all violations of the guidelines are eliminated. If the Reconsideration Request is successful, the penalty is lifted, otherwise it remains.

A penalty against a website can be carried out actively (manually) by a Google employee or as an (automatic) consequence of changes in the search engine's algorithm . This is carried out at regular intervals in order to detect search engine spamming . A Reconsideration Request always relates to manual measures - after an automatic penalty this is always unsuccessful.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie Haynes: Google Reconsideration Request Guidelines & Example. search engine watch, April 21, 2013, accessed August 30, 2014 .

Web links

Google Search Console Help: Manual Actions