Reference mark

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When reference marks are in photoelectric reference marks designated measuring method of small lengths and angles for incremental representing the local zero point of the measurement. In terms of their function, they correspond to the zero mark on a scale or the 0 ° graduation on an optical graduated circle .

Examples of reference markers

See also

Individual proof

  1. M. Fiala: Comparing ARTag and ARToolkit Plus fiducial marker systems . In: IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and their Applications . October 2005, p. 6 pp.– , doi : 10.1109 / HAVE.2005.1545669 ( [accessed March 29, 2020]).
  2. John Wang, Edwin Olson: April Day 2: Efficient and robust fiducial detection . In: 2016 IEEE / RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) . October 2016, p. 4193-4198 , doi : 10.1109 / IROS.2016.7759617 ( [accessed March 29, 2020]).