Regular communication

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The regular communication (sometimes called Reko, RK abbreviated) is a planned, periodic communication. As a fixed framework for the exchange of information, it is a basis for efficient action in companies and organizations. A distinction is made between internal and external regular communication.

The internal regular communication ensures that the exchange of information between work processes is carried out efficiently , as all relevant information is in the right place at the right time and in the required quality. In order to fulfill this task, the verbal or written exchange of information must be structured, content and time regulated. The structure must be predefined and goal-oriented, the content must be carried through to the defined goal and the points in time must occur at regular intervals. The external regular communication with customers is triggered by predictable, cyclical and / or plannable events.

Examples of regular internal communication

The human resources department wants to improve their qualifications with regular employee appraisals, increase performance and improve or maintain motivation.

Quality assurance and improvement carries out regular workshops to analyze weak points and potential for improvement, develop optimization concepts and review the results.

Example of an external regular communication

Marketing addresses the customer with regular communication. The triggers of this regular communication are determined by the customer (birthdays, anniversaries, achievement of target values, etc.), by the market (events, press articles, legislative changes, etc.) or by the organization itself (internal personnel changes, new products, media presence, etc.).

Example of a mixed form

A finance department sends invoices, reminders, notifications about account balances, etc. by regular letter to customers at fixed time intervals . The events are triggered by the customer when the contract is concluded and are integrated into the regular internal process of invoicing, which is defined independently of the individual contract conclusion.