Work process (business administration)

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The working process is in Business Administration , a process in which, by working of labor in combination with labor and resources products or services are produced.


This common definition assumes that the work process is made possible by a work system, which in turn is generated or changed by the work process. The work process presents itself as a complete workflow of a worker to fulfill an order or to solve a problem and always has a work result as its goal.

For Karl Marx , the concept of the labor process was of central importance in his critique of capitalism ; By this he understood a “purposeful activity for the production of consumer goods, appropriation of the natural [ natural products , i. Ed.] For human needs ”.


Work processes related to the systematic workflow in the production economy and need for detailed work instructions / procedures based work preparation and work scheduling , so that operations up to the smallest flow section are fixed. The purpose of the work instruction is to provide the organizational framework within which the required work processes can run. The actual organizational design of the work processes takes place in the work synthesis. The workplaces must be included in the work processes. A work process consists of individual components that relate to each other and interact; Components are the factors of production . Work processes have a work result as their goal, whereby in the case of complex results several work processes may be necessary.

Components of the work process

A work process usually consists of:

Work process and production process

In terms of content, work processes are more extensive than production processes , because the latter only includes the actual production process , which uses tools, equipment and personnel to produce a market-ready product through mechanical and / or manual processing of raw materials or intermediate products. The work processes also include the maintenance of the production facilities . This is also the argument of socialist dogmatics, which viewed the “production process of socialist enterprises and combines as the totality of work processes organized in parallel and one after the other”. Also, occupational safety and occupational safety in the work process go far beyond the production process.

Karl Marx formulated in 1858 in the context of alienation : “The production process has ceased to be a work process in the sense that work, as a unit that controls it, encroaches on it. Rather, it appears only as a conscious organ at many points in the mechanical system in individual living workers; ... ". For him, the production process was the unity of work process and recycling process . In the capitalist production process, according to Marx, the labor process is transformed into a “social process”.

Work process and automation

If work processes are completely or partially transferred to machines or other work equipment , one speaks of automation , which is measured with the degree of automation . Ultimately, it indicates whether and to what extent the personnel are replaced by machines. Work processes with a high proportion of workers are in labor-intensive , mechanized with a high proportion of production is capital-intensive present company.

Work process and business process

The relationship between work process and business process is still unclear. Some of the specialist literature sees the work process as part of the business process, with the business process also encompassing upstream and downstream work; the accounting is part of the business process, but not part of the working process. Some authors regard work and business process as synonyms.

Work process and work environment

Work processes that require a high level of cooperation among staff are summarized as a work environment .

Process chain

For functional reasons, the activities and processes of a company are linked to one another in a process chain . A company organized according to processes consists of work, production, business processes and supply chains .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Andreas Hartmann, work systems and work processes , 2005, p. 80
  2. Ernst Andreas Hartmann, Arbeitsssysteme und Arbeitsprozesse , 2005, p. 169
  3. Martin Frenz / Christopher Schlick / Tim Unger (eds.), Wandel der Arbeitsarbeit , 2016, p. 381
  4. Marx-Engels-Werke , Volume 23 , 1983, p. 198
  5. Thomas Pfeiffer, Arbeitsschutz von AZ , 2013, p. 50
  6. Thomas Pfeiffer, Arbeitsschutz von AZ , 2013, p. 8
  7. ^ Ingolf Riedel / Gabriele Theuner, Business Organization and Communication , 1995, p. 39
  8. ^ Ingolf Riedel / Gabriele Theuner, Business Organization and Communication , 1995, p. 42
  9. Joseph Pangalos / Sönke Knutzen, Possibilities and Limits of Orientation to the Work Process for Vocational Training , in: Jörg-Peter Prahl / Felix Rauner / Georg Spöttl (Eds.), Berufliches Arbeitssprozesswissen , 2000, p. 110
  10. Thomas Hägele, Modernization of skilled craftsmanship based on the example of the electrical installer , 2002, p. 78
  11. Thomas Pfeiffer, Arbeitsschutz von AZ , 2013, p. 50
  12. ^ Wilhelm Pieck University Rostock (ed.), Society and Linguistics Series , Volume 30, 1981, p. 10
  13. ^ Karl Marx, Grundrisse der Critique of Political Economy , 1858/1983, p. 593
  14. ^ Marx-Engels-Werke, Volume 1, 1956, p. 87
  15. Marx-Engels-Werke, Volume 23, 1983, p. 354
  16. ^ Hanns-Martin Schoenfeld, Automation , in: Wolfgang Lück (Ed.), Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaft , 1983, p. 107 f.
  17. Markus Mathieu, task-related performance in ERP-supported work processes , 2014, p. 19
  18. Reinhard Bader, Fields of Action - Fields of Learning - Learning Situations , 2004, p. 16
  19. Anne Busian, business process orientation in training , 2006, p 28