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REHADAT is the name of an information system for the professional participation of people with disabilities. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and is a project of the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft . At the international level, REHADAT is a member of the European Assistive Technology Information Network ( EASTIN ) and the International Alliance of Assistive Technology Information Providers ( ATI Alliance ). As part of the information system, REHADAT offers various internet portals on different topics. There are also numerous publications, apps, seminars and a specialist lexicon.

REHADAT portals

REHADAT collects information on the topics of disability , inclusion and work and publishes it on portals. More than 90,000 texts and 20,000 images are available. All information is available free of charge on the Internet .

REHADAT tools portal

The portal offers a neutral overview of the tools and technical work aids in Germany as well as extensive background knowledge.

The resources are divided into areas such as B. workplace, mobility or communication grouped and described in detail. Pictures, prices (for guidance only and are not binding), product features, manufacturer and sales addresses are given. Court judgments (e.g. on the assumption of costs), literature (e.g. test reports), practical examples (e.g. use of aids in the workplace) and addresses (e.g. advice centers) supplement the product descriptions.

The portal provides detailed background information on the supply process and the financing of aids.

The list of resources of the statutory health insurance (GKV) is attached as an additional application.

REHADAT-Aid creates and updates the product descriptions in cooperation with three documentation centers. The aids are systematically classified on the basis of the international classification ISO 9999, "Aids for people with disabilities". Collection and updates of the descriptions are free of charge for manufacturers and distributors. Over 12,000 aids are recorded.

REHADAT good practice portal

The portal shows over 900 practical examples of how people with disabilities can work successfully. You can get an overview of the content via the thematic navigation: either via the type of disability (the effects of which in working life are briefly described) or the measure carried out (e.g. training, job design, mobility, starting a business). In addition, a detailed search is available with which you can search for examples using keywords, occupational areas or restrictions. The portal also offers integration agreements (145 sorted by industry and anonymized), interviews, action plans and employer awards.

REHADAT-talentplus portal

REHADAT-talentplus is an information portal on working life and disabilities. Practical questions that arise from the perspective of employers and employees with disabilities are answered. Concrete problems are recorded and solutions are shown. Here, the users should receive all relevant information as easily as possible, without prior knowledge being necessary. In the portal, users will find specific contact persons for the supporting institutions, links to further information and downloads of brochures and other materials.

REHADAT education portal

The REHADAT education portal offers young people with special needs in the phase of life between school and work extensive information on the subject of career choices, qualifications and training.

The information is intended to help young people with a disability or severe disability and their parents to independently get an idea of ​​the many educational and training paths and the support options. In addition to the standard training, special company qualification options such as entry-level training and supported employment or concepts of cooperative training models are described.

In addition, further information is available to educators and advisors, sorted by federal state.

REHADAT literature portal

Books, magazine articles, research reports, studies, brochures, leaflets, documentation and other media are recorded in the portal. There is literature on the following subject areas: work and employment, training and further education, disability, rehabilitation, law, accessible living, aids and statistics. The literature documents contain bibliographical information such as title, author, year of publication, abstracts and links to editors. Many texts are available as online publications and can be accessed directly.

More than 34,000 references are recorded in the portal.

REHADAT law portal

The REHADAT law portal provides information on judgments and laws relating to the professional participation of people with disabilities. The user will find jurisprudence from labor and social law, the most important laws and regulations as well as links to publications.

Decisions on the following overarching subject areas are available, for example: work, training and further education, dismissal, representation of severely disabled persons, disadvantage, rehabilitation, services and aids. In addition, a detailed search is available with which you can search for judgments using key words, file numbers or period.

There are more than 15,000 judgments and 25 laws and ordinances in full text.

Portal REHADAT offers and addresses

The portal contains 13,000 service providers, contacts and organizations from all areas of professional rehabilitation and participation with contact details and descriptions of their offers. The user can get an overview using the thematic navigation. The following address groups are available, for example: work, education and training, disability / illness, lobbying, health, prevention, research, offers of help, law and barrier-free living. In addition, a detailed search is available with which you can search for contacts by keyword, location or postcode.

In addition, the portal provides information about products and services of the workshops for disabled people, the services of specialized rehabilitation providers and seminars for specialists from the rehabilitation sector.

REHADAT workshops portal

The portal provides information about the offers of all recognized workshops for disabled people (WfbM) and workshops for the blind in Germany: for example, users can find out which commissioned work and products the respective workshop offers. You can also find out about the possibilities for disabled people. For example, which disabled people are accepted, whether external jobs are available, which activities are possible in the vocational training area or how the transition to the general labor market can be achieved.

REHADAT research portal

The REHADAT research portal provides an overview of ongoing and completed projects and model projects in Germany that deal with issues of professional participation and inclusion of people with disabilities. The information on the projects comes from the implementing institutions. As part of the portal, the directory of rehabilitation and participation researchers in Germany is updated and published annually.

Over 1,800 projects are recorded.

REHADAT statistics portal

REHADAT statistics provide an overview of the most important surveys and statistics that relate to the (professional) participation of people with disabilities. The statistics are assigned to the following thematic areas: disability, education, professional participation, benefits of the payers and barrier-free living.

REHADAT ICF pilot portal

The ICF guide leads you to content from the REHADAT information system along the lines of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health ( ICF ). The following REHADAT areas are searched using the ICF classification: literature (magazine articles, books, online publications and more), aids (product descriptions, images, aid numbers, reference addresses) and good practice (practical examples for designing workplaces).

REHADAT seminar provider portal

The portal provides an overview of the education and qualification providers who regularly offer seminars in the field of vocational rehabilitation and the participation of people with disabilities. The offers are aimed at specialists from companies, associations, interest groups and those affected.

REHADAT equalization levy portal

In the REHADAT compensation tax portal, everything revolves around the compensation tax that employers have to pay if they do not employ enough severely disabled people or people of equal status (compulsory employment, SGB IX § 154). There is also a savings calculator with which users can get a quick overview of the savings opportunities when hiring or training severely disabled people.

Web links