Pure biofuel

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As pure biofuels or pure fuel in Germany are biofuels referred to unmixed (without additional fossil fuels) are burned in suitable engines.

For biodiesel and rapeseed oil fuel as pure biofuels, a reduced energy tax rate applies in Germany , which is, however, gradually increased so that the taxation will largely be aligned with the tax rate of fossil fuels by 2012. In contrast, biodiesel is already subject to the full tax rate of 47.04 cents / l if it is added to fossil diesel as part of the mandatory admixture of fossil diesel according to the Biofuel Quota Act .

For biodiesel, which is used as a pure biofuel, the designation B100 is common, in contrast to the addition of biodiesel to fossil diesel, in which the corresponding percentage of biodiesel is specified in the fuel mixture (for example B7 with 5% admixture).
