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Like tartan or spurtan , Rekortan stands for various sports floor systems based on polyurethane . Rekortan is licensed as a trademark by the Advanced Polymer Technology group.

The systems running under Rekortan are designed for both popular and high-performance sports. The system recognized and certified by the World Athletics Federation runs under the name Rekortan M99 .

Rekortan M99 is an impermeable (impermeable) 3-layer sports floor system made of all-plastic (FULL PU system), consisting of successive polyurethane coatings and SBR or EPDM granules. In contrast to the elastic layers of the Spurtan systems, the tested system has a middle, micro-foaming polyurethane layer, which is responsible for the force reduction specified by the World Athletics Association.

Rekortan systems are installed in situ on asphalt or concrete substrates. No special sports flooring machines are required for laying.
