Hinrich Juergensen

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Hinrich Jürgensen (born November 5, 1959 in Baistrup / Aabenraa , North Schleswig ) is a farmer and chief chairman of the German minority in Denmark .

Life and work

Hinrich Jürgensen completed a three-year training as a farmer (grønt bevis) and advanced training courses in business administration, IT, agriculture, marketing and education (VPG).

In 1981, at the age of 21, he bought his first own farm in Bjerndrup / Behrendorf, which he expanded to 200 hectares by continually buying up land. The focus of his business was cattle breeding , vegetable and grain cultivation . In 1988 he was one of the first in Denmark to convert his farm to organic farming . In 2003 he sold the farm in Bjerndrup / Behrendorf and bought another one in Gaardeby. He grows grain on the 130 hectares of the new farm. He is also the managing director of Biocentrum, a cooperative sales company for ecological products. Hinrich Jürgensen became politically active in the party of the German minority from an early age. In 1983 he became chairman of the committee for technology of the Schleswig Party (SP) . From 1993 to 2001 he was chairman of the main agricultural association for North Schleswig (LHN). In 2001 he was elected to succeed Harald Søndergaard in the North Schleswig District Council and in the Central Finance Committee (Økonomiudvalg). He retained both functions until the offices were abolished as part of the Danish municipal and territorial reforms in 2005. In that year he was elected as one of two representatives of the Schleswig party to the city council of the new large municipality of Aabenraa , in which he also had a seat again got on the finance committee. In addition, the Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger elected him as a representative in the growth forum (Vækstforum) of the new region of Southern Denmark. In 2007 he succeeded Hans Heinrich Hansen , the new chief chairman of the Association of German North Schleswig-Holstein .


voluntary work

Particular highlights of his tenure so far as the main chairman of the German minority have been:

  • the provision of a cross-border rescue helicopter, which goes back to his initiative.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.rth.info/stations.db/station.php?id=49
  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from May 11, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bdn.dk