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description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Psychotherapy, supervision, counseling
language German
First edition 2013
Frequency of publication every May and November
editor Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Gerhard Hintenberger, Anton Leitner (Department for Psychotherapy and Biopsychosocial Health at Danube University Krems )
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The magazine "Resonanzen" - e-journal for biopsychosocial dialogues in psychotherapy , supervision and counseling ( ISSN  2307-8863 ) stands in the tradition of the new integration paradigm and sees itself as a discursive, cross-school platform for the further development of theory, practice and research in psychotherapy, Supervision and advice. This applies in the same way to the respective underlying related disciplinary components from medicine, psychology, social sciences and philosophy.

Authors who publish in "Resonanzen" agree to discuss differences as well as differential approaches and procedures in a dialogue and to allow them to stand side by side in an appreciative manner, without losing a critical eye or overlooking any commonalities.

The issues appear twice a year, in May and November, and are each dedicated to a key topic, bringing together different perspectives from experts from different disciplines, professions and fields of work. In addition, basic articles, occasionally essays and interviews as well as reviews can supplement the individual issues. The quality control is carried out in the context of a peer review process by authorized experts. An advisory board supports the work of the journal from a scientific perspective.

“Resonanzen” - e-journal for biopsychosocial dialogues in psychotherapy, supervision and counseling is an open access journal and in this sense supports open access to scientific knowledge.

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