Trade journal
A trade journal is a journal that appears on a regular basis , which mainly deals with a clearly defined subject area and is aimed at professionally interested readers. The target group differs in its professional and technical orientation from that of a so-called special-interest magazine . It is designed to be homogeneous. The latter also has specialist topics, but is one of the general-interest magazines due to private motivation and private interest in the respective topic. Trade journals serve to provide professional and technical information and further training. They impart specialist knowledge. Scientific journals are a large subgroup of specialist journals .
The first professional journals were published in the early 18th century.
Trade journals in general
A trade journal is printed periodically and, in contrast to a monograph , provides timely, not comprehensive and up-to-date information . Trade journals and their publishers are organized in the responsible press department of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels .
According to the Association of German Magazine Publishers, 3,637 titles were available in Germany in 2005 , with a total circulation of 15.1 million copies, which means that there is a wide and high number of titles, each with a small print run. 90% of the journals are distributed by subscription . Due to problems of differentiation from professional and association journals and since many specialist journals are not advertising media and are therefore not registered with the information community for determining the distribution of advertising media (IVW), the exact number of specialist journals is not known, but the total number of titles is 6,000 estimated. The highest numbers of titles are published for the following sectors and occupational groups: medicine, science, natural sciences, service industries, trade, industry, business and craft.
Specialist publishers and editorial offices of specialist magazines are often quite small and have only a few employees.
Trade journals can be structured according to different criteria, including:
- in scientific and non-scientific titles,
- according to their orientation towards certain economic sectors (e.g. chemistry), job profiles (e.g. social worker), subject areas (e.g. environmental policy), organizational functional areas (e.g. controlling) or collecting areas (e.g. philately) ,
- according to presentation and design (e.g. index number magazines),
- after financing ( subscription , advertising , banner advertising , coupon, mixed forms),
- according to distribution channels (subscription, membership magazine, association magazine, book trade, magazine trade, mail order, mixed forms).
The largest German trade magazines
(based on gross advertising revenue in 2017, in million euros)
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt , Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag (shareholders: BÄK , KBV ): 42.3
- Lebensmittel Zeitung , German specialist publisher : 40.1
- TextilWirtschaft , German specialist publisher: 17.4
- HORIZONT , German specialist publisher: 15.9
- Doctors newspaper , Doctors newspaper publishing house ( Springer Science + Business Media ): 14
- Computerwoche , IDG Communications Media : 12.6
- Maschinenmarkt , Vogel Business Media : 12.6
- Advertise & Sell , Europa Fachpresse Verlag (subsidiary of Süddeutscher Verlag ): 12
- Markt & Technik, WEKA Fachmedien ( WEKA ): 11.2
- CRN , WEKA Fachmedien (WEKA): 10.3
- Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung , Deutscher Fachverlag: 10.1
See also
- List of abbreviations for trade journals
- Journal Database , Electronic Journal , Librarian Journal
- Magazine crisis
- Press history in Germany
- Hans Bredow Institute (ed.): Media AZ . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-531-14417-0 .
- Edgina Menhard, Tilo Treede: The magazine. From the idea to marketing . UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, Konstanz 2004, ISBN 3-89669-413-8 .
Web links
- Association of German trade press
- Publicly accessible online catalog of the journal database (ZDB)
- (18163 journals - Magazines - Diploma)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Hans-Bredow-Institut (Ed.): Medien von A bis Z. Wiesbaden 2006, p. 396.
- ↑ Source: Ranking: These are the largest specialist media 2017 , HORIZONT