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Rhypes ( Greek  Ῥύπες ) was an ancient Greek city on the Gulf of Corinth .

Covered temple in ancient Rhypes (Egialia)
Temple of Rhypes (c. 530 BC) - In the foreground the remains of the ramp that leads to the temple

The location of the ancient city of Rhypes is still considered uncertain. It was probably located on the Trapeza Aigion (neugr. Τραπεζά Αιγίου), a steep table mountain, an almost predestined acropolis, in the middle of the steep vineyards on the Gulf of Corinth.

The Trapeza rises very steeply all around (highest elevation: ~ 451 m) and only has a saddle to the southwest that tapers flat to the adjacent higher mountains. Remnants of ancient walls are visible over the entire area of ​​the Trapeza and massive protective walls can be seen in some places along the steep drop. If you calculate this area, you get an urban area of ​​approximately 272,000 m 2 .

Based on these ancient remains, an identification with the ancient place Rhypes was made by Jean A. Lebègue (1871), Friedrich von Duhn (1877), Alexandros Alexandropoulos (Ἀλέξανδρος Γ. Ἀλεξανδρόπουλος; 1920), Ernst Meyer (1939) and most recently Dietram Müller ( 1987). On the basis of the map drawn by Meyer in a G. Buechli and the photo of a fluted column drum, the position of which the then Ephoros of the administration of antiquities, Ioannis Papapostolou (Ιωάννις Παπαποστόλου), depicted in the photo in 1972 by Andreas G. Vordos (Aνδέας) . Βόρδος) 1996 the remains of a temple are identified. Through antefixes from surface finds in the inner temple area, the building was provisionally started in the last decades of the 6th century BC. Dated.

The site has been under protection by the Greek Ministry of Culture since 2000. In 2003, in a first stage, 13,000 m 2 were expropriated for an archaeological site, another 47,000 m 2 are to follow in the future. In order to protect the temple remains from the extreme temperature fluctuations caused by direct sunlight, night frost and driving rain, a trapezoidal sheet metal roof with an area of ​​800 m 2 was built from steel without internal supports. This protective roof is the third largest freely spanned Greece after the one over the Bassai ( Peloponnese ) and Malia (Crete).

Creation of Kroton

The community of Rhypes founded in the late 8th century BC. The city of Croton in southern Italy.


  • JA Lebègue, Ruienes de Aigium, BCH 1871, 233 ff.
  • F. v. Duhn, report of a trip to Achaia, AM 1878, 66.
  • Α. Γ. Αλεξανδρόπουλος, Περί τις θέσεως των Ρυπών, Patras 1920.
  • E. Meyer, Peloponnesian migrations. Travel and research on the ancient and medieval topography of Arcadia and Achaia (Zurich - Leipzig 1939) 123.
  • D. Müller, Topographical Commentary on the Histories of Herodotus (Tübingen 1987) 841.
  • E. Meyer a. O., fig. 8. the remains of the foundation named under Roman I.
  • Ι. Παπαποστόλου, ArchDelt 1972, Χρονικα 290, taf. 226β.
  • AG Vordos, Τοπογραφικά δεδμένα μετά από επιφανειακή έρευνα στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο Τραπεζάς Αιγίου in: Πρακτικά τίς Α 'αρχαιολογική συνοδός νότιας και δυτιής Ελλαδώς 9th-12th June 1996, Patras (Athens 2006) 61-70;
  • ders., Τραπεζά Αιγίου.Επιφανειακή έρευνα του αρχαιολογικού χώρου.Τα πρώτα συμπεράσματα, in: Research in the Peloponnese. Files from the symposium on the occasion of the celebration of “100 Years of the Austrian Archaeological Institute”, Athens 5. – 7. March 1998 (Athens 2001) 47-54;
  • ders., Rhypes: à la recherche de la métropole achéenne, in: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi: Gli Achei e l'indentità etnica degli Achei d'Occidente (Paestum-Athens 2002), 217-234;
  • ders. Ο ναός στην Τραπεζά Αιγίου, AAAXXXII-XXXIV (1999-2001), 149-160;
  • ders., Rhypes: à la recherche de la métropole achéenne, in: E. Greco (Ed.), Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi: Gli Achei e l'indentità etnica degli Achei d'Occidente (Paestum-Atene 2002) 217- 234;
  • A.Γ. Βορδος, Τοπογραφικά δεδομένα μετά επιφανειακή έρευνα στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο Τραπεζάς Αιγίου in: Πρακτικά τίς Α 'αρχαιολογική συνοδός νότιας και δυτικής Ελλαδώς 9th-12th June 1996 (Athens 2006) 61-70;
  • Α.Γ. Βόρδος - Ε.Ί. Κόλια, ΑΙΓΙΑΛΕΙΑ. Αρχαίες πόλεις και μνημεία (Patras 2008);
  • N. Hellner - F. Gennatou, Il tempio arcaico a Trapezá presso Eghion: ricerche e proposte di ricostruzione, ASAtene 93, 2015 (2017) 115-133.