Rimantė Dušauskienė-Duž

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Natalija Rimantė Dušauskienė-Duž , b. Aleksaitė (born December 12, 1935 in Telšiai , Lithuania ) is a Lithuanian biologist.


In 1959 she graduated from the Vilniaus universitetas . In 1994 she completed her habilitation in biology. From 1962 to 1965 she was a research assistant at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Vilniaus universitetas, from 1968 to 1970 at the Institute for Physics and Mathematics, and from 1970 at the Botany Institute.

Since 1986 she has been a member of the International Union of Radioecologists .


  • Šiluminė energetika ir aplinka (su kt., D. 2 1981 md 6 1987 m., D. 10 1992 m.);
  • Drūkšių ežero - Ignalinos AE aušintuvo radiochemoekologinė situacija (su kt., 1992 m.).


  1. VLE, V tomas, p. 234. Jolita Klimavičiūtė: Rimantė Dušauskienė-Duž.