Seal fingers

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Robben finger (Engl. "Seal finger") is a finger concerned infection , which is popular with sealers (and others with Robben working groups), occurs as a result of bites or contact of scratches and cuts with parts of seal carcasses.

Symptoms and Treatment

If left untreated, infection is slow and often leads to swollen joints; Furthermore, cellulitis , joint inflammation and swelling of the bone marrow can occur. If affected fingers were previously amputated when they became immobile, they are now effectively treated with antibiotics, especially tetracycline .


It was first scientifically described in 1907. So far, the pathogen is unknown, but due to the fact that tetracycline treatment works, it is very likely a bacterium. So far, two possible bacterial pathogens have been identified: a previously unknown member of the genus Mycoplasma and Bisgaardia hudsonensis .

Individual evidence

  1. a b State of Alaska Epidemiology Bulletin (Ed.): Seal Finger - An enigma and a challenge . No. 17 . Anchorage August 1983.
  2. ^ A b Ann Sullivan Baker, Kathryn L. Ruoff, Sarabelle Madoff: Isolation of Mycoplasma Species from a Patient with Seal Finger . In: Clinical Infectious Diseases . tape 27 , no. 5 , November 1, 1998, ISSN  1058-4838 , pp. 1168–1170 , doi : 10.1086 / 514980 ( [accessed May 6, 2020]).
  3. Benjamin P. Westley, Ryan D. Horazdovsky, Dina L. Michaels, Daniel R. Brown: Identification of a Novel Mycoplasma Species in a Patient With Septic Arthritis of the Hip and Seal Finger . In: Clinical Infectious Diseases . tape 62 , no. 4 , February 15, 2016, ISSN  1058-4838 , p. 491–493 , doi : 10.1093 / cid / civ875 ( [accessed May 6, 2020]).
  4. ^ S. Sundeep, V. Cleeve: Isolation of Bisgaardia hudsonensis from a seal bite. Case report and review of the literature on seal finger . In: Journal of Infection . tape 63 , no. 1 , July 1, 2011, ISSN  0163-4453 , p. 86-88 , doi : 10.1016 / j.jinf.2011.04.006 ( [accessed May 6, 2020]).