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The Rodobrana ( German : "Vaterlandswehr") was the paramilitary association of the Ludaks from 1923 to 1927 . The organization was founded in Czechoslovakia by Vojtech Tuka and dissolved in 1927 by order of the authorities. The Tuka blindly devoted Rodobrana, like the fascist black shirts and the National Socialist SA, was supposed to "ensure calm at the party meetings". After their dissolution, the members continued their work in other party organizations. The Rodobrana was a forerunner of the Hlinka Guard .

On December 13, 1939, the Rodobrana was reorganized as the personal unit of the Commander-in-Chief of the Hlinka Guard. The commander in chief of the Rodobrana was again Vojtech Tuka.


  • Yeshayahu A. Jelinek : Storm troopers in Slovakia: The Rodobrana and the Hlinka Guard. Sage Publications, 1971.

Individual evidence

  1. Edgar Hösch et al. a. (Ed.): Lexicon for the history of Southeast Europe. Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2004, ISBN 3-205-77193-1 , p. 284 below. (on-line)
  2. Studia Slovaca: Studies in the History of the Slovaks and Slovakia - By Jörg Konrad Hoensch, S. 189 (online)
  3. Michal Milla: HLINKOVA MLÁDEŽ 1938 - 1945 In: Ústav pamäti národa , 2008, p. 32, ISBN 978-80-89335-04-6 .