Rotraut Walden

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Rotraut Walden (* 1956 in Gelnhausen ) is an architectural psychologist . She works at the University of Koblenz and has been a member of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA / USA) since 1989.

Rotraut Walden has in Psychology habilitation and received the venia legendi for psychology. Title of the habilitation thesis: On the effects of architecture on performance, well-being and environmental control. Three studies on schools, universities and the office building of the future.

Area of ​​Expertise

Her main research interests are in the field of International Building Performance Evaluation, the development of schemes and survey instruments for assessing offices, apartments, schools, universities and hospitals.


  • Schools for the Future. Walden, R. (Ed.) - Authors: Borrelbach, S .; Lackney, JM Sanoff, JM Walden, R .; Yanagisawa, K. - Mann, T. (Hogrefe, 2009 andSpringer: Fachmedien, 2015)
  • Schools of the future. Design proposals of the architectural psychology Walden & Borrelbach, S. (2002, 4th edition / 2008, 8th edition / 2014)
  • KinderRäume Walden, R. & Schmitz, I. (1999)
  • Psychology and the built environment - Dickmann, F .; Flade, A .; Schuemer, R .; Stroehlein, G .; Walden, R. (1998)
  • Architectural psychology: schools, universities and office buildings of the future
  • Luck and misfortune
  • Lively living. Development of psychological guidelines on quality of living
  • Three variants of the Koblenz architecture assessment sheet, Walden, R. (2012)
  • Three variations of the Koblenz Architecture Questionnaire, Walden, R. (2012)
  • Tres variantes de la evaluación arquitectónica de Koblenz, Walden, R. (2012)
  • Schools for the Future. Design proposals from Architectural Psychology, Walden, R. (Ed.) (2009)
  • Schools of the future. Design suggestions from architectural psychology, Walden, R. & Borrelbach, S. (2014)
  • Architectural Psychology for Day Care Centers, Walden, R. (Ed.), Kosica, S. (2011)
  • Schools for the Future. Design proposals from Architectural Psychology, Walden, R. (Ed.) (2015)
  • School Environments
  • Work environments
  • Assessing the Performance of Offices of the Future

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