Royal dinner

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Television broadcast
German title Royal dinner
Original title Repas de fete
Country of production FranceFrance France
Year (s) 2013-2014
Arte France
length 26 minutes
genre Cooking show
Moderation Caroline Mignot

The cooking show Royal Dinner (original title Repas de fête ) is a television series by Arte with the original language French. It was completely dubbed for the German broadcast.


The television series focuses on the culinary arts with an emphasis on the festive meal. The preparation of a multi-course menu in the kitchen up to the tasting in good company is shown. The menu should be inspired by a specific era or location. The invited guests will then discuss this at table with the moderator and the cook: historians, sociologists, literary scholars, food producers, cooks and writers.

Contributors and seasons

Michel Roth always cooked for this documentary series, a production by Arte France, under the direction of Matthieu Valluet and together with the journalist Caroline Mignot as presenter . This resulted in a total of 20 episodes with a duration of 26 minutes each in two seasons:

  • What Marie-Antoinette loved. German premiere: Sat 21 December 2013 arte
  • A royal Christmas dinner. German premiere: Sat 21 December 2013 arte
  • Secret recipes of the Lyon cuisine. German premiere: Sat 21 December 2013 arte
  • Italian table delights. German first broadcast: Wed December 25, 2013 arte
  • Japan: In the realm of culinary delights. German first broadcast: Thursday, December 26, 2013 arte
  • Culinary delights from Louisiana. German first broadcast: Sa 28 December 2013 arte
  • A Russian feast. German first broadcast: Sa 28 December 2013 arte
  • Belle Epoque and Grand Hotel. German first broadcast: Sa 28 December 2013 arte
  • Dining like a king in Germany. German first broadcast: Thursday, January 2, 2014 arte
  • Cooking for the President. German first broadcast: Fri January 3, 2014 arte
  • From Creole scents and culinary delights. German first broadcast: Mon 15th December 2014 arte
  • Christmas feast on the banks of the Rhine. German premiere: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 arte
  • Thanksgiving in Paris. German first broadcast: Wed December 17, 2014 arte
  • The golden age of the brasserie. German first broadcast: Thursday, December 18, 2014 arte
  • High culinary art on board. German first broadcast: Friday, December 19, 2014 arte
  • Avignon: Papal Round Table. German premiere: Mon 22 December 2014 arte
  • Treasures of Iberian cuisine. German premiere: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 arte
  • Habsburg table delights. German premiere: Wed December 24, 2014 arte
  • Morocco: royal delicacies. German first broadcast: Thursday, December 25, 2014 arte
  • China: Millennial cooking tradition. German premiere: Sat December 27, 2014 arte

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (accessed November 15, 2018)
  2. (accessed on November 14, 2018)