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Ruha (also Rūhā , Persian : spirit ) is a mythical figure of the Mandaeans .

Ruha is a demon who rules over Tibil (world of darkness), which she created together with her son, brother and husband Ur . With Ur she also begets the seven planets and twelve zodiac circles .

She tried to mislead Adam pagria . At the end of the day she will be destroyed along with Tibil.


  • Gerhard J. Bellinger : Knaurs Lexikon der Mythologie. 3100 keywords on the myths of all peoples from the beginning to the present. Droemer Knaur Verlag, Munich 1989, ISBN 3-426-26376-9 .
  • Rainer bottle, Fritz Heinrich: religious studies in consequence. LIT Verlag, Münster et al. 2000, ISBN 3-8258-4505-2 .