Rutting (unit)

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Rutting was a unit of volume in Iceland . The dimensions of Iceland differed from the Danish measurement system and were laid down in an ordinance in 1784 as "adjusted types of measurement and weight". The disputes should be reduced.

  • Rutting 1 = 4 Pott / jar (about 1 pot) = 16 Pæle


  • Christian Ulrich Detlev Eggers (Freiherr von), Magnús Stephensen: Philosophical description of the current constitution of Iceland: together with Stephensen's reliable description of the earth fire in 1783, and other authentic appendices. JDA Eckhardt, Altona 1786, p. 83.
  • Jürgen Elert Kruse: General and especially Hamburg Contorist. Volume 1, author., 1781 Hamburg 1721, p. 205.