Sönke Gäthke

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Sönke Gäthke is a science journalist, known from the daily radio program " Forschung aktuell " on Deutschlandfunk, for whose background holiday issue Science in Focus he wrote 15 issues as an author.


Since 1995 he has worked as a journalist, first on local radio, then as a science journalist for DLF and WDR , BBC and the Economist . His topics are energy, transport, technology, digitization and society.


Individual evidence

  1. The people in the SMC. In: The SMC. Science Media Center, accessed November 1, 2019 .
  2. An overview of all award winners and laudators. In: UmweltMedienpreis. On DUH.de, accessed on November 1, 2019.
  3. Awards - Excellent Authors. In: 25 years of current research. Deutschlandfunk, April 3, 2014, accessed on November 1, 2019 .